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Spring and summer polyester elastic fabric marketing smooth local
2015-03-10 00:00:00

Recently, China light textile city market, polyester polyurethane elastic fabric marketing local smooth, polyester polyester FDY, DTY and cationic FDY yarn spandex yarn as the main raw materials of spot transaction local increment, order to undertake local growth.

Recent market, spring and summer thin cationic cryptogram all around elastic, FDY hidden latitude elastic sky blue, especially black, beige, sapphire blue, emerald green and other colors are very popular. Spring and summer cations have light all around elastic, cationic yarn-dyed field lattice all around elastic hemp, cationic yarn-dyed colorful lattice all around elastic hemp local deal small see big. 100DFDY elastic chiffon printing interacts with dyed varieties, especially black, bright red, sky blue, grass green and other dyed fabrics are locally popular, colorful flower printing products are locally dynamic pin, creative floral fabric transaction increment.

In recent days, among the polyester elastic fabrics traded varieties, part of the whole polyester FDY wire holding 40D spandex flat dyeing type of four-side elastic traded small batches, multiple batches each with moving pin, locally there are batch orders to accept the volume of trade. All polyester FDY yarn holding 40D spandex flat dyeing type weft elastic transaction small batch multiple batches each with moving pins, local batch orders in succession to undertake with medium batch transaction mainly. FDY and DTY hold 40D spandex interwoven flat plate dyeing weft and elastic for days to see a small transaction, there are still a number of tie-in transactions.

Polyester lycra elastic fabric with polyester filament polyester FDY such all varieties, DTY and varieties of yarn-dyed elastic all around all around, polyester mixed play or polyester blend all varieties play all around, for what is on the way the output of the grey or less, each how many grey market spot market in the near future, knitting factory open probability increased, some popular fabric prices rose slightly. Due to the gradual increase of the orders from the downstream apparel production enterprises for internal and external sales, the rigid demand of spring and summer polyester elastic fabrics increases, attracting the bulk purchase of the corresponding merchants around the country, the volume of cash transactions and the volume of fabric orders for spring and summer has also increased compared with the earlier period.